vintage home, vintage fairs, sustainable shopping Samantha Hansard vintage home, vintage fairs, sustainable shopping Samantha Hansard

“Let us show you how to” buy vintage at an antique fair

“Let us show you how to”…buy vintage at an antique fair.

Always wanted to visit an antique fair in the UK but feeling slightly overwhelmed as to how to navigate it? Let us show you how to get the best out of a wonderful day out, immersed in antique, vintage and story.

Tip 1. Get up early and get there when the fair opens.

Tip 2. Take (lots of) cash, as most dealers prefer it and you’ll probably get a better price if you use it.

Tip 3. Wrap up warm, take water, snacks and definitely take a tape measure!

And take a trolley if you’ve got one…(link below if you’re interested in buying one)

Tip 4. Don’t go with a huge list. Be focused. Fairs are massive and can be really overwhelming so try to prioritise looking for one or two things e.g things for the kitchen or art or a sideboard for example. If you go looking for everything you’ll probably find nothing. And if you’re looking for furniture make sure you’ve got the measurements you need with you.

Tip 5. Be nice to the dealers!

Say hello, build a rapport, ask for information about the piece, and then ask for the price. As a guide you can usually get around 10% off of the first price especially if you’re buying a lot or you have cash. Either that or you can ask for their “best price” straight off the bat. If they give you their best it normally is their best so don’t try to beat them down as they may well tell you to get lost! Remember they probably slept in their van over night and were up even earlier than you were so be gentle with them if you want to get the best out of them.

Bonus Tips. If you buy something and leave it with the dealer make sure you take a picture of their van, where they are in the fair, and their phone number. We’ve all left things with dealers and not been able to find them that is soul destroying. If you need a courier there are usually ones on site but they can get booked up, so make sure you buy furniture early in the day and get it booked on with them before they run out of space.

Here is a list of a few of our favourite antique/vintage fairs:

If you’d like to do a search of all antique fairs in the UK, then head to for more info.

If you are interested in buying a trolley (they are a must for visiting and shopping at a fair and handy for other things too), you can find one here

And please don’t forget to subscribe to our monthly journal which will include all kinds of creativity, inspired by our love for vintage, antiques and sustainable living.

With love,

Sam and Tamara x

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